Mrs. Bolton's gossip causes Clifford to get his pecker up and return to the pits. D.H. Lawrence reflects on "the novel, properly handled."
Click HERE to listen to Chapter 9 of D. H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover".
It's wonderful to be back in front of the microphone after what feels like a long hiatus. There's a remarkable soliloquy on gossip from Mrs. Bolton in this chapter that I trust you will enjoy; such fun to read aloud! Furthermore, one of my favorite lines thus far is in this chapter. See if you can figure out what it is.
jan, check:
cheers, hugh
Ooooh, I did check this fellow's site. You'll see that now UAA is linked all over the place to him; furthermore, have volunteered to read the (very long) chapter 11 of Joseph Conrad's "Secret Agent" in Hugh's collaborative audiobook effort.
I'm terribly susceptable to flattery. Sigh. Guess one goes with what one's got. He said UAA'd inspired his site.
Hugh inspired me to include rel="payment" tags in future posts to donate to Project Gutenberg.
Long live the free word.
Thanks, Hugh. I think :)
Hi Jan,
I read your comment on my blog. You are the first who did so and I remember being the first to leave a comment on yours. Funny, isn't it?
I'm glad you're continuing reading, I've been missing your voice in the weeks you didn't post weekly. And ofcourse anxious to know how the story by Lawrence goes on.
It is indeed me singing on the first track in De Gebroken Oor Podcast # 1 and I also do the anouncing.
Fedde is a brand-spanking-new musician / podcaster. Stop by his site, take a listen (good music), and leave him a comment or two.
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