Saturday, September 16, 2006

Banned Books Week::September 23-30, 2006

Sorry to interrupt your regularly-scheduled podcast with this, but it seems too on point not to mention Banned Books Week, given the nature of this particular ditigal space.

The American Library Association fights the good fight against censorship. Sometimes, without a fight, books like "Lady Chatterly's Lover" might never have been published in the United States.

From their web site:
More than a book a day faces expulsion from free and open public access in U.S. schools and libraries every year. There have been more than 8,700 attempts since the American Library Association (ALA) began electronically compiling and publishing information on book challenges in 1990.
Extraordinary. Who knew?

Is this not a frightening statistic? Horrifying that there is one person in this day and age who believes censorship is a valid response to things one does not like.

For shame. For shame.

Celebrate banned books? Hardly.

Shout it from the rooftops: liberty or death.

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