D. H. Lawrence
This podcast will in the coming months explore the writings of D.H. Lawrence. HERE is a link to a D.H. Lawrence bio from ReadPrint.com, the online source for the text used in this reading.
Why this? Why now? In part, it has to do with my mother's developing blindness; it is a gift to her. But don't tell - it's supposed to be a surprise! In giving to her, I also share with others who love literature but are no longer able to read.
Next up is Lawrence's "Sons and Lovers" unless - by popular demand - you have other ideas for similarly beautiful or interesting works from the public domain. Someone has suggested Lao Tsu's "Art of War," which might prove a refreshing change of pace. Kindly leave suggestions in the form of comments.
You may expect Chapters of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" to arrive in your aggregator and on this site - more or less - every Sunday.
hello! thanks so much for the recordings! I really hope you continue the audio readings. They are amazing. I was astounded at the quality of the readings, you are a good reader and the sound is clear and pleasent.
I usuallly listen to the book on my ipod while I work. I am a college student in northern massachusetts, but this summer I am doing the typical landscaping/groundswork thing. It is nice to listen to this great book as I rake and shovel through the hot summer days. I was lucky enough to have a bunch of the chapeters piled up so I could listen to them for hours on end... now that is not the case since I am almost done with them, so I hope you keep it up soon!
oh! I forgot to say that chapter 7 has not been availeable to me, on itunes or the website. I need it!
Gee, Spaniard, thanks for stopping by. Love the idea of how you listen to the audiobook. Hope it makes the summer bearable in all this heat.
Sorry you didn't get Chapter 7. This is the direct URL for the download: http://princessatlarge.com/audiobooks/lady_chatterlys_lover07.mp3
iTunes is very new at this aggregator thing, so give 'em a break as they figure out the exegencies of dealing with independently-produced rich media collection & distribution.
Oh - try unsubscribing and re-subscribing - that should work!
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