Here's what I hope will prove to be the entirety of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D.H. Lawrence in Blip.TV's show player.
Fingers crossed.
Feedcycle - the startup I used to use to feed subscribers one chapter a week - has died and gone to startup heaven.
Looking for new ways to present the work.
I've put it some places in the public domain, as it is here.
RSS Feed for This Player
iTunes Feed for This Player
POST NOTE: Rats, the player's not outputting the files in order. Sorry about that. Back to the drawing board. The iTunes RSS feed above will bring all the chapters into iTunes and IN ORDER, so there's that....
POST-POST NOTE: The good folks @ Blip.TV walked me through a code change that brings you express goodness in RSS feeding and single-player access to all the chapters, in order. Thanks again, Blip.
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